Medicare Insurance Basics in Massachusetts
Medicare Coverage and Plans
We offer a breadth of plans exclusively designed to help members get the most from Medicare. Our popular plans include:
• Original Medicare
• Medicare Advantage
• Medicare Supplement (Medigap)
• Prescription Drug Plans (Part D)
What do I need to know to enroll for Medicare Insurance?
Original Medicare: is a federally funded health insurance plan that is designed for people age 65 or older as well as some disabled people under age 65. Medicare Part A pays for inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing facility care, and hospice care. Medicare Part B pays for outpatient surgery , doctor visits, and many other medical services not covered by Part A. Through this option, you are eligible to use any doctor or hospital that
Medicare Advantage: is an alternative to Original Medicare and Medicare Part D benefits which provides you with complete coverage for your Medicare benefits as well as additional benefits beyond Original Medicare, including routine vision care, routine dental coverage, etc.
Medicare Part D: is a prescription drug option provided by Medicare-approved private insurance companies to help cover the cost of prescription drugs. To get Medicare prescription drug coverage, you are required to join a plan specifically offered by an insurance company or other private company approved by Medicare

What Is The Right Age To Buy Health Insurance?
Everyone Needs Health Insurance Any age is the right one to research and buy a health insurance policy in Massachusetts. If you are pregnant, then you need to have a health insurance policy in place to pay for maternity care and delivery. Of course, you should make sure a policy is in place for after an infant is born to pay for examinations and immunizations. While discussing private ...
Insurance Planning In Massachusetts
Health Insurance Options in Massachusetts With the cost of health getting higher each year, health insurance has become an expensive affair. However, health insurance does not have to be expensive. Knowing how to plan for health insurance, where to get it and the considerations to make can help you reduce your expenses. Types of Health Insurance Massachusetts Health Insurance ...
The Facts You Need To Know About Obama Care
Health Insurance & Obama Care Employers are able to provide most Americans with health insurance but more people felt left out, denied coverage or even priced out whenever the opted to buy insurance coverage on their own. And even when they attempted to use their insurance, this became a big challenge for them as this insurance coverage had restrictions. They also had problems when they ...